Camp SOAR 3 - Well, did you feel the title quite serious?
I thought about it too when I was reading the title. Okay, how can i develop studens' critical thinking skill? What is critical thinking? To be honest, I got a little bit confuse to about it. LOL.
Critical Thinking Skills
Just make it short, to do the critical thinking skill we can use a chart of Bloom's Taxonomy. Just look at this picture:
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Third Day: Developing Students' Critical Thinking Skills and Reflective Teaching
Jumat, 04 Januari 2019
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Second Day: Scavenger Hunt is So Exciting!
Kamis, 03 Januari 2019
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Hi, guys. This is my story about Camp... SOAR on the second day, 3rd January 2019. So, I had a lot of experience here. Here we go!
Hi, Campers!
We did breakfast at 7 a.m and entered the class at 8 p.m. Then Ibu Memmy as the Director of the camp, told about the rules, introduced all the facilitators, English fellows, observers, support staff and counselors.
Memmy the Director loves reading Japanese comics.
Ina the Co-Director best in cooking delicious Kimchi
Don the English fellow, do...

First Day: Welcome to Bali, Welcome to Camp... SOAR!
Rabu, 02 Januari 2019
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I really excited when I received the email last month about Camp SOAR. Yup, I'm the lucky person because I can be one of participant in this program.
Haelah aku pegel ngomong Inggris :P
Jadi, Camp SOAR ini semacam training untuk guru Bahasa Inggris yang bekerjasama dengan US. Embassy, UI and some people from P4TK.
SOAR itu sendiri singkatan dari Student Oriented-Active-Reflective. Harapannya setelah mengikuti camp ini, semua alumninya bisa menerapkan pembelajaran dengan berpusat...
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